Noelle Agape is a Health and Wellness Counselor and NLP and Energy Medicine Trainer who guides individuals through Quantum Healing Exercises to master their energy. With over 17 years of counseling experience and 12 years of formal education in Psychology, Quantum Physics, Energy Healing, and Neuro Linguistic Programming, Noelle is committed to helping people connect their mind, body, soul, and spirit to live their best life.
As a humanitarian, Noelle’s mission is to bring global awareness to health, wellness, and consciousness. She is living her dream as a TV host, motivational speaker, and by running wellness retreats all over the world. Noelle believes in helping her clients find balance in their lives and guiding them to achieve self-mastery, which includes mastering their mind, ego, body, energy, and soul’s purpose. Let Noelle Agape help you connect with your true self and live your best life yet.